Sefin socioAssintel

Assintel is the national association of reference for ICT and digital companies and adheres to the Confcommercio – Businesses for Italy, the largest confederation of entrepreneurs in the Italian Tertiary Sector.
Assintel represents the associated companies to the authorities operating in the information and communication technology market, entities and institutions, protects their interests and plans initiatives and services to support them through direct agreements with the territorial associations of Confcommercio (Ascom), in order to bring initiatives and services to the thousands of small and medium-sized companies operating in the sector.
Furthermore, it interprets the needs of the partnership ecosystem, made up of global and local operators of the various segments of the ICT market and is committed to concretely connect both demand and supply to foster the development of a technological innovation culture in the country.

think tank AssintelThink Tank
SEFIN is part of the ASSINTEL Cyber ​​Think Tank. This group represents a collaboration hub where companies and professionals join forces to address the growing challenges of cybersecurity, thus supporting both ASSINTEL associates and the global market.

Link to the Association's website: